


21 February 2018


1 minuut

Francien Eppens in MilieuMagazine

Francien Eppens, Consultant Resource Management at Milgro, has been committed to circularity in companies and chains for years. Motivation for MilieuMagazine to interview her for the section Milieuprofessional.

"Organizing chains is precisely the challenge why I recently started working at Milgro as a Consultant Resource Management. We start working from a partnership with our customers and ensure that they have insight into and control over their own waste, and raw materials situation. From there we challenge them to use their creativity, knowledge and entrepreneurship - supported by our expertise - to create circular opportunities for their own business and for fruitful cooperation with chain partners. ”

“It is no coincidence that I now work at a company whose core proposition is 'profitable sustainability'. That is - it will no longer surprise you - that is perfect for me. It is also not possible without the link, if we have the ambition to quickly achieve a circular society. "

Read the interview in MilieuMagazine (Dutch)