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Profitable sustainability with smart waste and resource management

Making profit and working sustainably? It can be done. For Milgro, profitable sustainability has been an important concept for thirty years. Meanwhile, no company can ignore sustainable operations. And that delivers more than you think. Discover now how you can create impact.

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What is Total Cost of Waste?

Total Cost of Waste is a way to calculate not only direct but also indirect costs of the waste process. Being smart with waste is one way to be profitably sustainable. This starts with procurement. Milgro looks at the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and translates this into the Total Cost of Waste (TCW). Efficient use of raw materials then ensures not only more sustainability but also lower costs.

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ruwbouwgroep | Milgro
quotes van Milgro over afvalmanagement

The cooperation with Milgro ensures that we have clear insight into our waste streams and costs. For each individual site, we have customized reports that provide input for realistic and achievable improvements. This includes a good balance between the focus on developing sustainability / circularity aspects and economic feasibility.

Ad Wirken, Procurement Manager at De RuwBouw Groep

Savings for you and the earth

Milgro takes care of the efficient collection and disposal of waste. With a smart logistics structure and our digital tools, you save a lot of time and labor. With the digital tools you not only get a grip on your waste management and you can take steps towards a more efficient use of raw materials, but you also save a lot of time on the shop floor. We realize measurable savings for our clients. Profit for nature and profit for you. 

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Together we create impact

Milgro is proud of over thirty years of experience in profitable sustainability. People, planet, profit is daily business for us. With our online tools we help our clients to gain more insight into their waste management and to save significantly on costs and labor time. Our online portal and optimizations by our Waste Engineers stimulate sustainable use of resources and show very clearly where your company can make a profit. Together we can make an impact. And profit, of course. Our motto is not for nothing 'earth and earn together'.

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