Webinar: CSRD, How to start? | Watch our on demand webinar


Reporting and dashboarding

The Milgro Dashboard provides insight into your company's waste, waste and resource goals and performance indicators. This allows you to meet government requirements on waste, work more efficiently, save time and make your business more sustainable.

Experience the possibilities and request a free demo.

Book demo 

What are the benefits of using the dashboard?

  • Insight into economic and environmental performance at a glance
  • Effortlessly click through for in-depth access to underlying data
  • Export and share reports and sustainability goals
  • Easily viewand compare the performance of your site(s) and compare
  • Be well prepared for audits and comply with legislation, such as the European sustainability directive CSRD
  • Balance your waste administration with validated data
  • Make results transparent at the operational level

What to expect when booking our free demo

A demo will cost you a maximum of 30 minutes | What to expect when booking our free demo | Milgro

A demo will cost you a maximum of 30 minutes

We give the demo online or at your location | What to expect when booking our free demo | Milgro

We give the demo online or at your location

Feel free to invite your colleague to join | What to expect when booking our free demo | Milgro

Feel free to invite your colleague to join

The demo is free of charge | What to expect when booking our free demo | Milgro

The demo is free of charge

Comply with legislation at any time

Every company has to comply with various government regulations, whether it is the noise level of machinery or the handling of waste. Various stakeholders want to know whether the targets set are being met. For example, companies will soon have to comply with new European legislation on reporting sustainability goals. Clear dashboards and reports are indispensable for this: this way you are well prepared for audits and controls.


Are you prepared for the CSRD and CSDD?

Your footprint is not only about ecological impact, but also about business optimizations regarding costs and sustainability. How does your company handle raw materials? A clear overview of objective figures helps to comply with legislation, such as the CSDR and CSDD. Reports and dashboards are indispensable for a future-proof company. Are you prepared?

More on the CSRD

Validated performance

We help companies move toward a circular business process. Our CO2 reporting has been audited by Royal Haskoning DHV. This external validation assures you of the right quality for circular business operations.

More on impact

Measuring impacts

Of course, sustainability is not just about reducing your carbon emissions. Companies have an impact on our entire environment and it is becoming increasingly important to measure that impact. How does your company affect biodiversity, air quality and other ecological factors? We are convinced that you want to take good care of the earth. Measuring is knowing: where can you improve?

More on NCM

friesland-campina | Milgro
quotes van Milgro over afvalmanagement

"Milgro's dashboard not only gives me full insight into the yields, fluctuations, improvements and ecological impact of our waste management. Because I can compare different locations, I can steer on best practices. In addition, it has become easy for me to generate and share periodic reports. Useful for internal reporting, but also for audits and to comply with laws and regulations."

Martijn Boon, Regional Facility Services Manager, Friesland Campina

Blogs and articles

Want to know more about dashboard compliance?

Want a clear overview of your company's waste performance? Easily meet government requirements, work more efficiently, save time and make your business more sustainable. See now the what a dashboard can do for you.

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