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DownloadWith our waste scan you will gain accurate insight into the waste streams in your organization. With that knowledge, you can both reduce waste and separate waste better. This gives you a clear picture of opportunities and savings. And you take an important step towards a more circular management.
Our waste scan brings all your waste streams into focus:
The answers to these questions expose your waste management opportunities:
In short: the waste scan ensures that circular working is within reach for you.
We start by collecting and analyzing data on your resource and waste streams. Next, our expert team visits your company's key locations. Then they speak with you and your employees and analyze the situation on site.
We process the results, benchmark them and determine how you can optimize. All this comes in a clear report, which we present at your company. This way, all employees involved can think along and ask questions.
The waste scan is thus an excellent start to your route to a circular company. Whether we accompany you on your journey? That is up to you. You can very well start working with the recommendations from the report yourself. But we can also support you very well.
It starts with your request: fill out the form and you will receive more information without any obligation.
Quantity and composition of your waste streams
The CO2 impact of your waste streams
The cost of your waste management
Your opportunities for 'euro and eco'
Do you need to prepare a sustainability report for your organization because of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CRSD)? And do you also have to comply with this European directive within a few years? The waste scan can be a first step to gain more insight into section E5 of the CSRD report.
More on our useful CSRD tools.
"Milgro quickly surprised us with a complete overview of ALL our waste streams. The tailor-made cross-sections offer us in-depth insight into the structure of the costs and benefits of our waste streams. Milgro acts as a knowledge bank for us, delving into our internal (waste) processes. They have proven their ability to deal sustainably and creatively with our special residual streams by reusing them directly in other sectors."
The waste scan gives you a thorough analysis of all waste streams within your organization.
Fill out the form and you will receive more information without obligation.
Would you prefer direct contact about the waste scan? Then simply book an appointment with our experts online here.