


11 November 2016


1 minuut

Milgro pioneer Inspirational 40

In the report 'De Inspirerende 40 van 2016' by Synergy and Survey Sampling International, Milgro is labeled as a pioneer in the chapter 'New inspiration'. In the same report, Tony's Chocolonely has been named the most inspiring organization in the Netherlands by both consumers and marketing professionals. The top 40 inspiring companies were announced on Monday 7 November 2016 during an award ceremony in the BNR studio in Amsterdam. The annual survey maps out which organizations inspire and why.

Six years ago, Synergie started researching the 40 most inspiring organizations in the Netherlands. The report provides insight into how organizations touch people and move markets. Inspiring organizations show that it is possible. In an often surprising, unorthodox way they break through boundaries and patterns, resulting in growth.

Social inspires

It is notable that this year social enterprises dominate even more in both top 3s. What inspires is focus on major, global issues. Whether it's making the chocolate industry slave free, accelerating the advent of electric driving (Tesla) or making oceans free of plastic (Dopper). In addition, the inspiring organizations provide an action perspective. They literally bring solutions within reach: a bar of chocolate, car or bottle. Finally, they restore the lack of trust that has arisen in organizations. They are actively transparent and openly communicate about their ambitions and strategy. Tony's publishes its roadmap in the wrapper of the bars, Dopper on its site and Elon Musk shared it through his blog.

New inspiration

Guido Broek (managing consultant Milgro) was present at the presentation and recognized similarities with his own organization. Broek: "It was inspiring and educational to share experiences with other organizations about how they drive the transformation in their sector towards a broader, social model."

The report can be downloaded free of charge from the Synergie website: