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26 March 2018


1 minuut

Milgro on RTL7 about food waste

Doe Maar Duurzaam, an informative television program on RTL7 about various developments and innovations in the sustainability sector, was all about the circular economy last Sunday, March 25. Alex van Kuilenburg and Erik Hoeksema from Milgro explained in the television program how food waste can be reduced and what value can still be obtained from residual flows.

In the Dutch chain, from harvest to supermarket to consumer, waste costs 4.4 billion euros annually. This is indigestible from an environmental, social and financial point of view. In line with the transition to a more sustainable economy, it is necessary to strive for the highest possible use of raw materials and optimal raw material yield. Alex van Kuilenburg, business unit manager Food at Milgro and Erik Hoeksema, manager of Milgro's innovation division Wastelab, tell in Doe Maar Duurzaam how Milgro makes waste visible and tackles it successfully. Profitable sustainability in practice.

Watch Milgro's item in the television program Doe Maar Duurzaam back here.