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19 May 2023


2 minuten

Bringing a waste-free world before 2040 to the present

Milgro implements this during the zero-waste week

A world without waste, is it possible? What steps do we still need to take to make the world truly waste-free? These are just two of the many questions Milgro is asking to achieve its ambition to make the world waste-free by 2040. This ambition is challenging, as the government set it as a target 10 years later.1

For that reason Milgro is initiating a Zero Waste Challenge during the Week Without Waste, an initiative of Milieu Centraal2. 'In the week from May 22 to May 26, we will try to work really waste-free at our office. This means that we call on all Milgro colleagues to avoid waste. A task that we know is challenging in the current economy and actually almost impossible, because we even see an apple core as the production of waste,' says Gijs Derks, managing director and driver of this #ZeroWasteChallenge.

Milgro believes it is important to expose these obstacles and will communicate intensively during this week about the flows that appear to be unavoidable. Its employees are asked, after all, they are experts in waste management and circularity, and also the market whether they have tips or know of innovations to avoid these challenging flows. We also actively share these tips via a special Zero Waste Challenge page www.zerowastechallenge.nl and via #ZeroWasteChallenge via the social channels. But this is not the only thing, because Milgro believes that it should be the focus every week to prevent the waste of raw materials. 

That's why we're passing on the baton. Laurens Groen, CEO and founder of Milgro, has challenged us to take on this challenge on the occasion of Milgro's 30th anniversary (May 24, 2023). After this week we will inspire other companies to take up this challenge in their office environments and canteens as well. Milgro itself is already working in its network to inform companies, but all companies can register for this. After registration, they receive an information package with which they can get started, says Gijs Derks. 

Naturally, in addition to the practical guide, companies can be supported with so-called Zero Waste Workshops. Milgro also applies this during the #ZeroWasteChallenge, but also offers this service to companies that want to create insight and awareness within their company. Literally tearing open the waste bag and sorting the lost raw materials already indicates the possibilities for better separation, but also offers insight into the opportunity to completely eliminate some flows. 


If we take on the Zero Waste Challenge on a large scale and bundle the insights, we can ask the market to come up with a structural solution for the prevention of these unavoidable waste streams. We hope to publicize more sustainable solutions and, where no innovations are known yet, to call on the market to develop them.

Would you like to participate in this challenge as a company, large or small? Go to our www.zerowastechallenge.nl and sign up. Does your company have a sustainable tip or innovation? Let us know on this page and we will put your company with logo and link to your website in our digital showcase. 

1 https://www.greendeals.nl/green-deals/green-deal-circulaire-festivals  
2 Week Zonder Afval | Milieu Centraal

About Milgro

Milgro is the fast-growing technology company for natural capital management. We enable organizations to profitably integrate a sustainable use of raw materials into their business operations. In this way we accelerate 'the new normal' of a circular economy.

As a leader in the raw materials transition, Milgro provides a wide range of services in the field of sustainable waste and raw materials management. Based on a unique technology, methodology and approach, Milgro's approximately 120 employees focus daily on achieving profitable sustainability for leading (international) clients in the construction, chemical, energy, food, industry, logistics, maritime, mobility and healthcare sectors. 

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about this press release or the #ZeroWasteChallenge? Please contact Gijs Derks or our marketing department.