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First aid with sustainability in mind 

Something can always go wrong: damage, spills, a recall, customs clearance, large-scale clearances or some other emergency. Whatever happens, you want it resolved quickly and efficiently, without too much expense. Milgro is also your rock in the event of calamities. We intervene quickly, engage the right parties and choose the most sustainable solution. In this way we limit the damage to you, your reputation and the environment.

Contact us directly by filling out the form


We offer solutions for:

Recall / Product Destruction | We offer solutions for: | Milgro
Customs disapproval | We offer solutions for: | Milgro
Fire, water or other damage | We offer solutions for: | Milgro
Large-scale clearances | We offer solutions for: | Milgro


Need acute help?

If there is an acute emergency at this time, please complete the attached form. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Our approach to emergencies

In the event of an emergency, we move quickly and proceed in a thorough and step-by-step manner, while keeping you informed every step of the way. You can expect the following from us:

Step 1: contact and approach

  • We contact you immediately to comprehensively assess the situation, including the risks.
  • We make a plan of action and send a quotation.
  • Upon approval, we get to work immediately. After all, there is no time to lose.


Step 2: delivery and results

  • We check your insurance and keep communication lines short
  • Even during emergencies, we always consider the environment and ecology.
  • After completion, you will receive a full report for your reporting requirements.

Benefits of our approach

  • Even during emergencies, we consider the environment and ecology.
  • We are used to working on complex projects and we approach your calamity that way as well.
  • You can expect required expertise around releases and feasibility of your SLA from us
  • We offer ecologically and economically attractive solutions
  • We can be reached 24/7
  • Thanks to our large network of carriers and processors, we organize the best option for you

Results you can count on

Complete unburdening | Results you can count on | Milgro

Complete unburdening

Solved in the most sustainable way | Results you can count on | Milgro

Solved in the most sustainable way

You comply with legislation | Results you can count on | Milgro

You comply with legislation

Quick and adequate response | Results you can count on | Milgro

Quick and adequate response

Control of costs | Results you can count on | Milgro

Control of costs

Focus on sustainability reports | Results you can count on | Milgro

Focus on sustainability reports

Calamity handling that does not interfere with your sustainability ambition

In the event of a disaster, you want to be assured of a quick, sustainable solution, transparent and manageable costs and a clear contact person. Milgro takes your worries out of your hands. We deploy our extensive network of transporters and processors and reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible. We also include this impact in a final report.

Do you want to be able to handle an emergency situation properly? Contact us directly using the form above