Webinar: CSRD, how to start?

Efficiently navigate the CSRD timeline and get started immediately with practical tools

Register now for our webinar on di April 23, 2024 from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m.

This webinar is specifically designed for organizations about to face the challenges of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). With our specialized knowledge in waste management, we will take an in-depth look at chapter E5 (waste and resources). In addition, you will receive practical tools and tips for addressing all CSRD topics. 

Sign up now for our webinar. We give this throughout the year at various times. For the entire schedule, please visit milgro.eu/#events



Webinar: CSRD, how to start

Register now for our free webinar

Topics covered:

Need for the CSRD | Topics covered: | Milgro

Need for the CSRD

How to start? | Topics covered: | Milgro

How to start?

In depth: waste | Topics covered: | Milgro

In depth: waste

Tools and tips for all topics | Topics covered: | Milgro

Tools and tips for all topics

Timeline: when to start? | Topics covered: | Milgro

Timeline: when to start?

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