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I want to know more about

Not a waste and resources expert? No problem.

Waste and resource management is a field that requires a lot of knowledge about waste streams, processing methods and sustainability requirements. Fortunately, Milgro has 30 years of experience in this field and a large team of experts who can assist you with all your questions.  Focus on your core business, then so will we.


What clients say:

"Milgro quickly surprised us with a complete overview of ALL our waste streams. The customized cross-sections offer us in-depth insight into the structure of the costs and benefits of our residual streams."

René Krootjes, Facility Coördinator at Huisman Equipment

The added value of Milgro:

  • Effective waste collection
  • Operational unburdening
  • Delivering insight into environmental and economic performance
  • Sustainable consultancy
  • Connection to our network

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