Much waste does not belong to the landfill

Written by Milgro | Jun 29, 2015 1:04:00 PM

Helping companies do better. By controlling waste flows and sustainable use of raw materials. In short, that is the passion of Laurens Groen, founding father and director of Milgro in Rotterdam.

He started De Afvalwinkel in the early nineties. 'To make people aware that a lot of' waste 'does not belong in the landfill and to bring materials back into the chain.' Milgro arose from similar motives. The company supports companies in the transition from consumption to use of raw materials. Clients include large food producers, retailers and companies from the automotive, logistics and industry.

'We carry out integral waste management for our customers, largely digitally. We investigate where in the business and chain processes the waste of raw materials occurs and how this can be tackled. Our ultimate goal is to make optimal use of raw materials in the chain. It is sustainability in practice. '

Groen is firmly of the opinion that the prosperity of current Earthlings should not be at the expense of future generations and that companies can contribute to this. However, he does not like the moralizing raised finger. 'Targeted management of the use of raw materials creates a more balanced raw material balance. Having control over your waste and producing with care for the living environment also yields a lot to companies financially. I am convinced, and our approach also proves that, that profit and planet go hand in hand. '

Read the full article here. (Dutch)